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Style Guide

Thank you for your interest in editing the MagiQuest Wiki! To maintain a consistent style and quality of writing across the main namespace, the Wiki has several guidelines that we expect editors to follow.

This Style Guide is subject to change. (last updated 21/08/2023)

General Style Guide

  • Avoid the use of the word “you”. Refer to the reader in the third-person as “the Magi”, “Magi” (plural) or “the player(s)”.
  • Be sure to bold the topic of the article in the first sentence in the introduction.
  • Be descriptive. Try to add a bit of flavor to your writing. Wikis need to be direct, but they should also be fun to read and paint a mental image. However, please try and ensure that your writing is concise enough that the reader can easily understand the main point of the text.
  • Use lots of links. Even if the pages don’t exist yet. If you think something might have a page at some point, it’s best to put a broken link so we don’t have to go back and add them later.

Please reach out to the Wiki administrators or on the MagiQuest Discord's Wiki channels if you have any questions or concerns.

You may also want to read the Wiki's rules page.

Quest Page Sections

The model pages for quests are the Lightning Rune and Enchant Creature Rune pages. Below is information on what belongs in each section of the page.

Introduction: Introduce the rune and it’s power in the most basic form. Mention any clan association it may have, and what set it’s apart of.

Obtaining: Detail the quest for obtaining the rune. What items do they need to find? How many? Do they need to be found in a certain order? Who do you turn the items in to? If the quest is different in anything besides position of items at different realm types (like the Portal Rune at Pigeon Forge vs a lodge), separate the section into two paragraphs, even if you have to repeat stuff.

Uses: What adventures is this rune used for? How do you use the power of the rune in that adventure?

Trivia: This can be a difficult section depending on how familiar you are with the game. We want to try and have at least one trivia point in each article. Is there some interesting history behind how the quest has changed over time? What about any similarities to other quests? Consider what the objects do in freeplay. You could even take MagiQuest culture into account, as seen on the Lightning Rune page.

Locations: Use the order given on the Enchant Creature page as a basis. It has the locations in the proper order (opening order) with the offical names. Remove names from the list as needed.

References: Sources and references used throughout the article should be put at the bottom.

Adventure Page Sections

The model page for adventure is the Dragon Adventure page. Below is information on what belongs in each section of the page.

Introduction: Introduce the adventure. Check a couple different versions of the ABOW for what it believes to be crucial elements of the story, and mention main characters. This should be no more than a few sentences.

Walkthrough: This section will vary based on how the adventure is structured. All of them will have a short “Requirements” subheading. Then further subheadings divide the adventure into sections. There should be multiple steps in each section. Another example would perhaps be dividing the Princess and Goblin adventure into “Dueling the Goblin King” and “Finding the Princess' Jewels.”

Rune Reward: Titled after whatever the name of the rune is, explain it’s uses. Is it used in dueling? If so, what is the effect and upgraded effect? Even if it isn’t used in a duel, usually it’s power is explained by the character who gives it to you. Does it unlock anything else?

Strategy and Tips: This should be a bullet point list on anything useful an average person should know about how to complete the adventure, that can’t be addressed easily in the walk through. These should apply to most locations.

Collaboration: Only include this if it’s relevant. Not everyone is going to have knowledge of these functions since they’re obscure, but at the very least the base 5 adventures have them.

Trivia: Anything else that’s worth mentioning or is fun. Can be location specific.

Locations: Use the complete list from the Rune of Dragons page as a basis since it has all of them in the proper order. Remove locations as needed.

References: It would be nice to cite some sources, you can do so at the end.

Location Page Sections

The model page for locations is the Pigeon Forge, TN page. Below is information on what belongs in each section of the page.

Introduction: Introduce the location by describing it’s realm type, how much content it has, any exclusive content or noteworthy packages (this includes mentioning whether its a Goblin or Ursa lodge)

MagiQuest Content: Just a bullet point list of quests and adventures, divided up into the in-game offical categories. There is an offical order, but copying off the Pigeon page and putting ursa stuff at the end of the lists should be fine. CompassQuest content goes after Ursa content. You can also create a seperate section for “ShadowQuest Content”

Game Areas: This is where things can get a little tricky. You don’t need to describe every single object in each area, even if you could. It’s just too much info. Instead describe the atmosphere, vibe, and aesthetic of area, and any major elements like characters.

For lodges with CompassQuest, this can be… alot of sections with not a ton of text in them. This should be fine? Just try and break up the boring walls of text with pictures if possible. Be sure to mention which floor the areas are on, and start from the bottom floor upwards.

Noteable Features: Honestly… isn't going to be needed on any lodge page except Dells. There’s really nothing notable about most lodges compared to other locations that actively effects gameplay. You could maybe argue Grand Mound or Grapevine needs a section about their size. Maybe.

History: Just follow the format outlined on the Pigeon page. Adding months would be good if you know them. When did the lodge open? When did it get any added content down the road? In later years did the placement of any objects change? (since there won’t be much else to talk about, but don’t get too specific if there’s lots of changes).

Ancient Book of Wisdom: Link to a subpage like on Pigeon’s. Lodges don’t have offical ABOWs so you’ll need to create a gallery with pictures or scans of a book. Ask for help on how to format it.

Trivia: Just throw in any other fun bits of knowledge here.

Gallery: Pretty self explainitory. It would be neat if you could order the images in the gallery to show off areas in the same order as the game areas category.

References: If you’d like to cite any sources for the article, you can do so at the bottom.