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Wiki Rules

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the MagiQuest Wiki! Before you get started editing, please be aware of a few guidelines we have for Wiki users and editors.

These rules may change in the future. (last update 21/08/2023)

Please check your spelling and grammar

On the main namespace and Wiki blogs, articles must use at least some semblance of correct spelling and grammar. This rule is a little more lenient on personal blogs and pages, where you are expected to be understandable but some more informality is allowed. We also have a wiki Style Guide which all articles on the main namespace should follow.

Try to keep articles accurate

As this is an informative website, all facts here should be checked to the best of your ability. NO fanon in the main namespace. Of course, not everyone is expected to know everything, however, it is a base expectation that you will not intentionally mislead others. We highly recommend that you make sure your facts are coming from reputable sources.

Reputable sources include: website archives, Creative Kingdoms releases and documents, former and current MQ writers/developers/crew, most local staff, etc. You can also ask questions in the MagiQuest Discord.

Avoid redundancy

If an article can be better fit as a section of another article, do it as a section of another article. If a mechanic is the same at several locations (for example, most Forest Realms) then there is no need to make seperate sections or articles for each.

Respect other users

This is a community. We are all working together towards the same goals. Any rude behavior towards others will not be tolerated.

Common Sense

Please use your best judgement if something is in the gray area. Feel free to message Asteralium with any questions regarding the wiki or its rules.


If you are breaking the guidelines, you will first receive a Message reminding you to follow the guidelines and specifying which rule you have broken. Continued offenses may result in a block from editing.

These rules were originally written by Zhenya.

You may also want to read the Wiki's style guide page.