Score Boards
Score boards are a list of the scores each player gets whenever they play MagiQuest. They display the top 24 players in points, gold, and runes. There are boards by day, week, month, year, and ever, for that location. Most MagiQuest locations have a television running the scores in the shop or near the Quest Stones.
At Great Wolf Lodge locations, there is a dedicated television channel that displays the scores from any television including in guest rooms. You can also view the score boards by tapping the screen on any Quest Station without lighting it up with your wand.
Keep in mind that the majority of the Magi near the top of the 'ever' boards are players that have returned many times, play and grind (including CompassQuest) very efficiently, and are well acquainted with the shop keepers, who give them master pointers, and who unlock the quests for them again after they are maxed out. Staff members are not allowed to be on Leaderboards.